CRITICAL WARNING: Silver, is the Showstopper

CRITICAL WARNING: Silver, is the Showstopper

SilverWars' research indicates that silver is a Critical Raw Material. The severity of the silver deficit is estimated to be the 'SHOWSTOPPER'.


SilverWars' research team indicates that silver is a Critical Raw Material that is needed for every nation's security, current energy infrastructure and towards ensuring the global green-energy transformation. By all respects, except by a lack of current official classification, silver is the most critical resource on our planet for the foreseeable future. The severity of the silver supply deficit is estimated to be the 'SHOWSTOPPER'.

[SilverWars Article Podcast]:

SilverWars Podcast Silver is the SHOWSTOPPER


KATIE SWEENEY - National Mining Association - Oct 4 2021 - Senate Hearing on the 1872 Mining Law

"...we have become excessively over reliant on foreign sources of minerals over the years. I mean, when the Energy Information Agency can't even provide the actual amount produced in the United States last year because its proprietary information, cause there is so few producers, that's kind of a sad state of affairs, but it is one example of many of how we've become incredibly reliant on foreign sources of minerals, even for workhorse minerals like silver and copper that are used in solar, and in electric vehicles, and every aspect of modern life. We're importing 80% of the silver." - Katie Sweeney, National Mining Association, 2021.

Section 343 of the FY19 HASC NDAA Committee Report expressed a "Sense of Congress" that aggregates, copper, molybdenum, gold, zinc, nickel, lead, silver, and certain fertilizer compounds should be added to the critical materials list under Executive Order 13817.

Section 2 of the order defines a "critical mineral" as a mineral identified by the Secretary of the Interior, to be a non-fuel mineral or mineral material essential to the economic and national security of the United States, the supply chain of which is vulnerable to disruption, and that serves an essential function in the manufacturing of a product, the absence of which would have significant consequences for our economy or our national security.

The executive order is a non-binding statement of intent and not a legal mandate. To determine whether this specific recommendation was enacted or if it remains in effect, we examined subsequent legislative actions and looked for updates to the critical materials list as governed by Executive Order 13817 and or related policies.

The most recent U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) published a final list of 50 critical materials in February 2022. This list includes several minerals mentioned in Section 342 of the FY19 HASC NDAA Committee Report, such as:

a. Copper
b. Molybdenum
c. Nickel
d. Zinc
f. Gold
g. Lead

Aggregates and certain fertilizer compounds are not included in the 2022 critical minerals list.

In 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Critical Mineral Consistency Act with bipartisan support. The legislation aims to standardize the process for designating critical minerals, potentially influencing future updates to the critical minerals list.

As of December 2024, the 2022 list remains the most current official list of critical minerals. While legislative efforts continue to refine and update the criteria and designations, the specific recommendations from Section 342 of the FY19 HASC NDAA Committee Report has been partially addressed, with several of the mentioned minerals now recognized as critical.

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Despite the "Sense of Congress" expressed in Section 342 of the FY19 HASC NDAA Committee Report, minerals like copper, lead, silver and others mentioned in the report were excluded from the 2022 Critical Minerals List (CML) published by the US Geological Survey (USGS). This exclusion was based on the USGS methodology, which assesses minerals' supply chain vulnerabilities and economic importance.

As of November 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Critical Mineral Consistency Act of 2024 with bipartisan support. This legislation aims to harmonize the definitions of critical minerals between the USGS and the Department of Energy (DOE). Specifically, it mandates that any material designated as critical by the DOE must also be included in the USGS's critical minerals list within 45 days.

(Story Continues Below)

James R. Cook is the descendent of Johnny Appleseed and has been a devoted steward of the wetlands to preserve our nation's cherished waterfowl. He has long believed the Silver Market Manipulation would end in his lifetime (86) and he is supporting SilverWars to get the job done. Jim runs his company (IRI) with principle, the upmost integrity and does not leverage nor play the silver manipulation game for paper profit like so many in the industry do. Please consider supporting his company, IRI! Investment Rarities has SilverWars' full confidence and trust that they will treat you right when purchasing physical silver to hide. It's the prudent option, doing so saves kids.

This act could potentially influence the inclusion of minerals such as copper, lead, and silver in future critical minerals lists, especially if the DOE designates them as critical materials; however, as of now, these minerals remain excluded from the USGS's 2022 list.

It's important to note that while the House has approved the Critical Minerals Consistency Act, it must still pass the Senate and be signed into law by the President before taking effect. Until then, the current critical minerals list remains unchanged.

If the Critical Minerals Consistency Act becomes law, the DOE would gain significant influence over the definition of critical minerals. The USGS would essentially align its critical minerals list to match DOE designations within 45 days of the law going into effect, making DOE's decision-making pivotal in this process.

In this scenario, the DOE would effectively steer the critical minerals agenda, allowing their strategic and economic assessments to set the tone for federal recognition. This could shift the balance of power away from geologists and more towards policymakers and energy strategists.

While aligning critical mineral designations with DOE priorities might seem logical given the department's focus on energy policy and infrastructure, there are significant downsides to placing this authority entirely in the hands of only policymakers rather than geologists and scientists at the USGS, or national defense strategists at the Department of Defense (DOD). No one department or body of government has full oversight of the scope of the issues that surround silver.

Adding to the concerns, the DOE is vulnerable to political pressures and could be swayed by agenda or lobbying from industries and interest groups, leading to inconsistent or biased designations. Minerals critical to national security and long-term economic sustainability, like silver, might be overlooked in favor of short-term energy policy goals.

We may also see a disconnect from geological realities. Geologists at the USGS base their assessments on scientific data, such as supply chain vulnerability, economic impact, and production risk. This methodology might be diluted if DOE decisions prioritize immediate energy needs over geological facts.

Furthering concerns, energy policymakers might focus disproportionately on minerals tied directly to specific renewable energy applications, potentially neglecting materials like silver, which has broader applications (e.g., defense, electronics, medicine, etc.) on top of it being currently and long-term essential for the solar industry.

Our most prominent concern is the potential of reduced data transparency.

The World Economic Forum recently discussed that the data on critical materials crucial for the energy transition remains incomplete and fragmented. Future DOE strategic assessments might not be publicly accessible or scientifically rigorous as those produced by the USGS, creating an opaque process that could challenge judicial body and independent civilian oversight efforts. The public trust has been eroded. Efforts should be made advocating for more transparency, not less.

Although, in regards to national defense efforts, we understand that a balance must be made between safe-guarding and disclosing information that could violate the U.S.'s security. Silver has become synonymous in the modern military era with high tech, because silver is the best electrical conductor, thermal conductor, and reflector of light. There are no alternatives that meet or exceed silver's core elemental properties for these material applications. It would be expected and encouraged to keep designs that utilize silver for egregious weapons of destruction away from our enemies, but not necessarily the data on specifically how much silver is utilized for the capitalism of war; i.e. the global-military industrial complex.

(Story Continues Below)

The Silver Bottleneck and the Impossible Choice

As the global transition to clean energy accelerates, the demand for silver is set to rise exponentially. This is a critical reality, one that is not being fully addressed in current policy frameworks. According to industry experts like Solarcycle, recycling alone cannot bridge the gap between silver supply and demand, and it will not be enough to meet the soaring needs of renewable technologies and defense applications. Silver, in particular, is critical to solar energy production, and without urgent intervention, we risk depleting global reserves.

Officials may tout recycling as a mitigation strategy, arguing that advancements in this area will alleviate the looming shortage. However, even with continued investment, the scale of demand far outpaces recycling capacity. Solarcycle, a leading recycling specialist funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), has made it clear that recycling technologies, while valuable, cannot scale quickly enough to meet the exponential demand for silver. Jesse Simons of Solarcycle succinctly states, “Recycling won’t bridge the gap. Silver demand for solar alone is set to consume all known reserves within 20 years.” This stark reality underscores the urgency of addressing silver’s criticality before we find ourselves at a breaking point.

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"The International Energy Association found that to power a clean energy economy, with solar and storage batteries, wind– we're going to need four times as many minerals and materials as the old economy. And to put this in stark perspective, for solar, currently solar is using somewhere between 15 and 20 percent of all the silver on the planet and within the next 20 years– its set to use 100% of all known reserves. That's just silver for solar. The same thing is true for copper, the same thing is true for aluminum, and that's just solar. Batteries have their own issues. So we're facing– I think the biggest challenge is we are facing a major need as we're shifting from a hydro-carbon based economy to a clean energy economy to really maximize all the different possibilities of how we get those raw minerals and materials, and I'd argue we really want to start by mining and refining our existing waste-streams and doing everything we can there to optimize that before we open up new areas for drilling and mining."
- Jesse Simons, Solarcycle, Inc.
Jul 26, 2023

Jesse Simons, of Solarcycle Inc, dangerously fails to realize that mining efforts will be needed to fill the supply gap, or is the DOE intentionally suppressing investment in the mining sector on purpose? We believe either is possible.

The discrepancy between the recycling narrative and the harsh reality of silver supply is further highlighted by the inefficiencies inherent in solar panel recycling. Current methods struggle to recover a significant portion of the silver used in solar panels, and economic factors further hinder large-scale recovery. As technology evolves, improvements will be made, but they will not be enough to overcome the impending shortage.

"On the right hand side what I have is the cumulative silver demand, right, so maintaining business as usual with the dominance of P type already has change to N type which actually takes up more silver, by 2050 we could see solar dominating like 100% of the silver markets, 100% of the silver reserves."
- Dr. Pablo Ribeiro Dias
Solarcycle, INC
NorCAL AEE - 10.3.2024

There is an unavoidable truth: silver is not just another mineral—it is the linchpin of the energy transition.

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is required to update the list of critical minerals at least every three years, as mandated by the Energy Act of 2020. The most recent update was in 2022, slating a new chance for silver to be classified as a critical mineral in the upcoming year (2025).

The Department of Energy (DOE) is mandated also by the Energy Act of 2020 to provide updates to their critical minerals list. The DOE's next update is due in 2026.

As for the silver concern, the United States Air Force Secretary, Frank Kendall, said it best:

"We are out of time."

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(Story Continues Below)

James R. Cook is the descendent of Johnny Appleseed and has been a devoted steward of the wetlands to preserve our nation's cherished waterfowl. He has long believed the Silver Market Manipulation would end in his lifetime (86) and he is supporting SilverWars to get the job done. Jim runs his company (IRI) with principle, the upmost integrity and does not leverage nor play the silver manipulation game for paper profit like so many in the industry do. Please consider supporting his company, IRI! Investment Rarities has SilverWars' full confidence and trust that they will treat you right when purchasing physical silver to hide. It's the prudent option, doing so saves kids.

According to Dr. Rong Deng, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, "If annual PV installation expands 5-10 times, then we're using all of the world's silver and we'll run out of the world's silver reserves in two decades."

While Dr. Deng admits that solar panels today require 5-10 times less silver than when they were manufactured two decades ago, there is a serious problem in the aspect of the massive scaling being attempted world wide.

The PV industry is well aware of silver's supply constraints. In 2012, the International Energy Agency published "Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (RETD) where they discussed that shortages of critical materials, such as silver for crystalline silicone (c-Si) cells are very likely to be showstoppers for the deployment of PV in the medium term, with first effects probably felt from 2015 if no pro-active mitigation steps are taken. This would be exacerbated by increasing demand for silver from other industries (e.g., consumer electronics, high tech military applications).

The International Energy Agency (IEA) calls silver proportionally the most critical of three materials the publication cites used in the manufacturing of c-Si cells (e.g., indium, tellurium, silver), which at the time was 85% of the PV market. The IEA called on industry and policymakers to actively seek ways to mitigate the shortage of silver by increasing secondary development of economically viable recycling technologies while research and developing ways towards reducing the consumption of critical metals like silver, or finding a substitute all together.

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Although there has been efforts towards discovering new recycling methods and technologies, nothing has been done towards classifying silver as a critical material in the US or enacting policy to counteract Chinese dominance in the silver sector as we reported on previously.

China’s Stranglehold of Critical Materials Projected to Challenge U.S. Economy
Is the United States unprepared for a silver supply crisis? Evidence suggests the US is over dependent on foreign imports of critical raw materials and the alarm bells are ringing!

In 2022, the globe reached 1 terawatt of installed solar, but leading solar power experts have predicted that if the world is to meet its decarbonization goals (Net-Zero), about 75 terawatts or more of globally deployed PV will be needed by 2050. The Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP) said in just Australia alone, it's estimated between 2-3 million tonnes of solar panels will need to be recycled at end of their working life by 2050.

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Silver's future demand will require exponential reserve expansion.

The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) concluded in July 2023 in their Material and Resource Requirements for the Energy Transition Report that current estimated reserves of silver are insufficient to meet the levels of demand expected for the energy transition and other sources of demand. Reserves might need to expand up to 90% for silver to meet total expected demand between 2020-2050.

Their data warns that efficiency and recycling are not enough to reduce primary requirements - reserves will need to expand.

Currently in the United States, mining projects can face lead times of more than 10 years from when their development begins to when they achieve their first production.

This bottleneck is driven by a long permitting and environmental oversight by various state and federal agencies for both common sense, but also bureaucratic-nonsensical reasons, which hinder any immediate solutions to increasing domestic supply.

The United Nations' Statistics Division (UNSD), in conjunction with The World Bank (WB), International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and World Health Organization published their, 'The Energy Process Report' in 2023.

In the report, they already refer to silver as a critical material.

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"In addition, countries can support innovations in product design that reduce and diversify material inputs, especially for critical materials such as copper and silver, and make equipment more durable, reusable, and recyclable."

Further this report recommends, "Specific attention should be paid to raw material requirements for renewable technologies."

The Silver Bottleneck

The rise of solar energy will be met with short term growth constraints. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency warned in their 2023 annual report that:

" pressing issue for industrial silicone solar cells is high silver consumption in existing screen-printed contacts. This not only contributes significantly to the manufacturing costs of solar cells but also imposes great challenges to establishing Terawatt-scale production without depleting the global silver supply."

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The Royal Society of Chemistry furthers the warning by publishing their data showing that all types of PV panels heavily rely on problematic materials, but especially silver. They expect demand could rise 53 times that of 2020 in the future. A shift to CSPs would be dire for the supply of silver as their data shows a high dependency on silver.

The global push to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 has largely created this situation.

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)'s Policy Analysis 2023, said that the heightened demand for PV will place significant strain on the use of critical raw materials such as silver, indium, bismuth and tellurium, all of which are essential for PV module manufacturing.

Silver serves as a metal contact for the silicon solar cells, and although only a small amount of silver is used per PV module, the use of silver in this case is compounded by the global scale and short timeframe of the rollout.

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Special Report on Solar PV Global Supply Chains

As we previously reported, China is currently dominating the global solar PV supply chains. Silver being the key resource, China's strategic aim is to cripple the U.S. ill conceived attempt at domination in the new warfighting domain of space.

US vs China: Silver Supply Crisis Unfolding for Space Arms Race
Silver Supply Crisis: United States vs China in critical mineral and space force showdown.

These weaknesses for the US for its silver needs are grossly negligent, but not without blame for this sector has been grossly unaware of the true nature of silver's impact on geopolitical affairs and instability. The proliferation of war has only increased post the last world war. Why? The Global-Military Industrial Complex would casually say sanctioned murder is just good for business.

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Silver is considered the most conductive element, both from a thermal and electrical perspective. Its also the most reflective of all metals, which aids itself to produce the mirrors of humanity's most finest instruments; such as the Hubble space telescope. When life is literally on the line and the readiness of tech equipment in the most extreme environments matters the most, the US military has called on silver to get the job done.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2022, the global solar PV manufacturing capacity has increasingly moved from Europe, Japan and the United States to China over the last decade. China has invested over 50 billion USD in new PV supply capacity, which is ten times more than Europe and has created as many as 300,000 manufacturing jobs across the solar PV value chain since 2011.

China's grasp in all the manufacturing stages of solar panels (such as polysilicon, ingots, wafers, cells and modules) exceeds 80% control. This is more than double China's share of global PV demand.

In addition, China is home to the world's top 10 suppliers of solar PV manufacturing equipment. This puts the US at another strategic weakness should tariffs be imposed or if China puts sanctions on the export of its goods to the United States, either would put the economic and national wellbeing at risk due to our adversary China's dominance in this sector.

In the IEA's Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions by 2050, it states that the "demand for silver for solar PV manufacturing in 2030 could exceed 30% of total global silver production in 2020 – up from about 10% today. This rapid growth, combined with long lead times for mining projects, increases the risk of supply and demand mismatches, which can lead to cost increases and supply shortages."

Instead of Christmas bells, alarm bells should be ringing because the United States alone is 80% reliant on imports per Katie Sweeney of the National Mining Association in 2021.

In order for the United States to meet our Net-Zero decarbonization goals, we must ramp up our domestic production and ability to source silver from alternative sources immediately. Ramping up solar PV production will require adequate supplies of silver; however, without silver being classified as a critical mineral in the upcoming USGS Critical Minerals List, the likelihood of anything being done to mitigate future supply shortages is unlikely.

In 2011, solar PV demand already claimed 11% of global silver production. The IEA estimates in 2022 that the PV industry demand for critical materials would have to expand 150-400% by 2030 from the 2021 levels to attain the IEA Net Zero trajectory. Their data suggests its possible for solar PV silver demand in 2030 under the IEA Net Zero Scenario would be equivalent to over 35% of 2021 global production.

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This whole silver scenario is leading towards an inevitable choice, will we continue to use silver to kill each other and risk the future of our planet, or will we come together to advocate peace so our critical resources may be used for planet positive purposes?

Never has there been a more obvious, subjectively good vs evil problem to solve.

The Atomic age was created out of destruction, but our understanding matured towards using that power to light the world with nuclear energy.

Will humanity evolved past its animalistic self towards better ways to prioritize its silver?

What is obvious is that the military doesn't want you to know any of this.

As Camie Platner, a 20 year aerospace contract manager for Eagle Picher exposed in 2023:

"…silver is very hard to come by right now, so it is very much a diminishing supply, so it is a growing concern, on how much longer that is going to be available."

But what Camie didn't say, or didn't know was, this has been a reoccurring issue within the Department of Defense since before the United States strategic stockpile was depleted in 2004.

The SilverWars' research team unearthed the Defense National Stockpile Center online commodities sales website archive from 2003 that revealed Silver being sold out.

Despite current and on-going recommendations to the United States Geological Survey from both Congressional Research and Armed Services to classify silver as a critical raw material, so far no traction has yet been made.

(Story Continues Below)

James R. Cook is the descendent of Johnny Appleseed and has been a devoted steward of the wetlands to preserve our nation's cherished waterfowl. He has long believed the Silver Market Manipulation would end in his lifetime (86) and he is supporting SilverWars to get the job done. Jim runs his company (IRI) with principle, the upmost integrity and does not leverage nor play the silver manipulation game for paper profit like so many in the industry do. Please consider supporting his company, IRI! Investment Rarities has SilverWars' full confidence and trust that they will treat you right when purchasing physical silver to hide. It's the prudent option, doing so saves kids.

Exposed: US Military Engaged in Silver Market
If the silver market is manipulated, why? Governments could afford any priced silver. Governments cannot afford to have no silver because that would threaten national security.

As we reported last week (December 17), we believe the goal of the silver future's market manipulation is not about suppressing the price, but is apart of an effort of psychological demoralization for those that hold physical silver into abandoning their investment; i.e. the 'Above Ground Supply'.

Recycling efforts do not solve the overall persistent problem of silver in constant short supply.

If a silver shortage is of the highest concern to national security, would it be classified under the highest classification at the Department of Energy?

This scenario is the most likely possibility based on silver's critical role in energy and defense, as well as the clear strategic vulnerability the situation has created.

The highest security classification at the DoE is categorized as Restricted Data (RD), and individuals handling RD often require a Q clearance level.

In cases where RD information combined with traditional national security information, the classification is marked as "Top Secret/Restricted Data (TS/RD)", indicating the highest level of security concern.

Our research team tracked down the most qualified team to address this problem, who would have access to the most secure knowledge of silver's situation, JASON(s).


Credit: Microsoft | Fair Use

JASON's historical involvement in energy technologies, nuclear security, and supply chain vulnerabilities also makes them a natural choice for examining the implications of a silver shortage because...

  • Advanced Materials Research:
    JASON has studied materials crucial for emerging technologies. Silver’s role in electronics and renewable energy systems aligns with their work.
  • Supply Chain Resilience:
    JASON could evaluate the risks posed by supply chain constraints and propose solutions, such as strategic stockpiling, recycling innovation, or alternative materials.
  • Economic and Geopolitical Impact:
    Their analyses could extend to the broader implications of silver shortages, including potential market disruptions and diplomatic conflicts.

The situation we face may be humanity's greatest challenge because the data is opaque due to secrecy.

On one hand, we have the global imperative to combat climate change, which demands a rapid transition to renewable energy and the scaling of technologies that rely heavily on silver. On the other hand, the escalating geopolitical tensions—exemplified by the growing rivalry between the U.S. and China—threaten to destabilize global silver supply chains, particularly as both nations vie for dominance in the space race and other high-tech industries that depend on silver.

The conflict is clear: unless we see an immediate and substantial commitment to securing the global silver supply, the race for resources could spill over into war. History shows us that scarcity often breeds conflict, and silver’s critical role in clean energy and defense technologies makes it a key battlefield resource.

However, we cannot afford to let this situation escalate further.

SilverWars humbly requests to collaborate with the JASON(s) to help produce real solutions to this crisis.

The energy transition and the fight against climate change hinge on one critical factor: silver. Its unique properties make it indispensable to renewable energy technologies, defense systems, and a wide range of high-tech industries. But with silver supplies dwindling and geopolitical tensions rising, we are at a crossroads. The world must choose—climate change or war.

The time to secure silver supplies and ensure a cleaner, more peaceful world is now. If those in control of the silver supply fail to act, the consequences will be felt for generations to come.

(Sources Cited Below)


This article is dedicated to the fallen we've lost along the way and to every silver investor that never gave up hope and resisted the psychological torture all these past decades refusing to sell. You have saved lives and now you control humanity's future.

And to everyone who now decides to hide silver until there is peace in the world. We thank you for being aware that something so simple, can also be so impactful.

"If able, please consider supporting our work with a paid subscription ($8/month), or just enlist for free to get our news immediately sent to your email. SilverWars is the 'WikiLeaks' of Silver. Our site may go down, but our newsletters are forever saved to your inbox. Our articles have the source links/files so you can offline everything and we recommend doing this. Some things are just that important." - SilverWars' Staff
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(Sources Cited Below)

[Article Sources]:
Executive Order 13817—A Federal Strategy To Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals | The American Presidency Project
US House of Representatives approves 2024 Critical Mineral Consistency Act
The bill modifies the Energy Act of 2020 to expand the definition of critical minerals.
H.R.8446 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Critical Mineral Consistency Act of 2024
Summary of H.R.8446 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Critical Mineral Consistency Act of 2024
2022 Final List of Critical Minerals
By this notice, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), presents the 2022 final list of critical minerals and the methodology used to develop the list. The 2022 final list of critical minerals, which revises the final list published by the…
Why the energy transition needs a global critical materials databank
Data on critical materials remains incomplete and fragmented. A global data repository would help accelerate the energy transition
Wayback Machine

[Infographic #1 Sources]:
Wayback Machine
Strategic Materials
About Strategic Materials

[Infographic 2 Sources]:
Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine
SOLARCYCLE Awarded DOE Grant to Study Solar Panel Metal Refinement Process
SOLARCYCLE, a tech-driven recycling company focused on producing sustainable materials at scale for the solar industry, today announced that the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded the company a $1.5M research grant to study the process for recovering higher-quality metals and materials extracted from retired solar panels.

[Infographic 3 Sources]:
Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 4 Sources]:
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 5 Sources]:
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 6 Sources]:
Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 7 Sources]:
Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 8 Sources]:
Wayback Machine

[Infographic 9 Sources]:

Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine

[JASON Advisory Group]:

The Jasons: The Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite - Microsoft Research
Working in secrecy to solve highly classified problems for the Department of Defense, CIA, and NSA is an elite group of scientific advisors who provide the government with analyses on defense and arms control and they call themselves Jason. Named for the hero in Jason and the Argonauts, the group grew out of the Manhattan […]

[Christmas Promo Video]

[Silver Kills Kids | Promo Video]

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