A new Liberty Dollar scandal may be resurfacing in Evansville, Indiana, and according to Jon Forrest Little, it's a scam!
You mean a scam on the government? Yes, for sure - Jon Forrest Little
The information provided in this article is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. The content reflects SilverWars' opinions and interpretations, which may not represent the views of the entire mining industry. While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, no guarantees are made regarding its completeness or currentness. The article aims to protect the mining industry from potential misinformation or harm that may arise from the actions or statements of Jon Forrest Little. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with qualified professionals before making decisions based on the content herein.
12/9: Story has been updated. See latest update at end of article.
SilverWars Goes Undercover
We do not pride ourselves to report on anything that follows, but the industry must be made aware for safety concerns, what's really been going on with Jon Forrest Little.
Jon Little did not create his "Precious Metals Warfare Theory".
He was selected as our "face" on the SilverWars YouTube channel and failed to properly credit us as the source of information for his Silver Academy Substack publication.
Further, SilverWars has never had association to Jon's company, Pixy LLC.
Starting early November, after a series of highly suspicious actions and catching Jon in lies regarding his attempted sobriety efforts, our team (who were friends at the time) started to investigate Jon Little. It was around this same time that Jon started to make us aware of a man that he was traveling to Evansville, Indiana, to meet and stay with named Tim Martin.
For most of the last month we have legally recorded all business conversations with Jon Little, investigated what he said, and saved all documentation to protect ourselves and this sector from a situation that has escalated to the literal twilight zone of Federal no-no(s) and we believe even breaks Canon laws (Church laws).
This report focuses on what Jon calls, "The Silver Cult".
We ask the reader to remember that life is sometimes stranger than fiction and to buckle up for this wild ride.
(Story Continues Below)

*Overtime this section may update to reflect new information that is discovered after the article has been published.
[Latest to Current]
November 1-2:
Jon first arrives in Evansville, Indiana and tours properties owned by Tim Martin, which includes a business called 'Indiana Cardinal' located on West Eichel Ave and Tim's large compound-like rural property located on Conservation Drive.
Jon tells us that Tim offered him the whole upstairs of his house to Jon to live in for free.
He excitedly shares with us pictures from his trip below.

Jon Takes Pictures at Tim's. Photos By SilverWars
Later in the night, Jon sends us a link to an unlisted video from the 'The Woman Clothed With the Sun' YouTube Channel.
This video (saved and viewable below) highlights the silver coins that tie into a virtual currency system that Tim created called Dominic Medal Exchange (DME). He claims that its a theological concept that he's applying a "spiritual" nature to money.
Further Investigation:
Martin Holding Company, LLC has a creation date of April 2005. It assumed the name Indiana Cardinal in Jan 2012 according to public business filings.
Both share the same owner: Timothy R. Martin.

The domestic non-profit that is tied to DME according to public filings is called 'Servants of the Redemptor'. It also ties to Tim Martin. It has assumed two different business names as "Dominic Medals" in 2022 and "Lay Dominicans" in 2023.
We discovered their latest 990s form was filed as "Lay Dominicans Province of St. Albert the Great." The address on the form matches the same for Martin Holding Company/Indiana Cardinal.

This Chapter has been officially approved within the Province of St. Albert the Great, per its approval letter.

The DME exchange is accessible here: https://servantsdme.com, but does not have a WhitePaper that explains how the system functions. It claims to be legal based on United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 10 and the Indiana Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.

There is no trace of filings for this virtual currency exchange on the Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR.
In the video, an employee of Indiana Cardinal mentions at 1:41 taking a 3rd of his pay in DME. Does the IRS know?
Also in the video, Tim mentions at 3:41 an additional business called "Militia of Jesus Chris America", which according to public records was dissolved in 2022 and reformed as a non-profit under the name "Militia of Jesus Christ Co". In the public filings, the company assumed the name "Constitution Party of Indiana in 2023, but as recent as August 2024 cancelled that name.
November 4-5th:
Jon travels back to Pittsburg, PA.
November 8th:
Jon shares with us a screenshot he took while on his phone of his Instagram post depicting Tim Martin's coin.

November 9:
Jon is first caught slipping Tim's ideas into his Silver Academy Substack.
Over time, this grassroots approach can weaken the stranglehold of corporate-government symbiosis, allowing a more vibrant, resilient economic landscape to emerge - Jon Forrest Little, from his Silver Academy.
The last image of the article makes mention of three "Pro-Tips" that the reader should pay attention to.

November 10:
Jon publishes another article on his Silver Academy SubStack, but this time the picture and sources directly points to Tim's groups.

November 15:
Jon Quid Pro Quo Trade Services
*Legally Recorded in One Party Consent State
Jon (00:00-00:27): And ah– and that's why we can start a conversation about, like here's this cottage industry, I bet you that f%cker in Indiana would let me use his factory, he doesn't give a f%ck, he wouldn't ask for a cut if he knew– that we needed just for our, I go dude, Tim– we need it just to keep this newsletter alive, he's just happy that I'm going to give him ink.
Jon (00:27-00:37): So it could be a quid-pro-quo, I'll give you free publicity– for your church, you know, I don't have to write that, its Sunday Silver School every now and then, who cares?
Jon (00:37-00:48): And then–and then he gives us– he's already got so much f%cking space, I could probably talk him into getting a kiln
Jon (00:49-00:51): but its– I want–
Jon (00:52-01:01): yea- I don't think he has a kiln, cause plastic– he's got extruders, he's got everything...
Jon (01:01-01:20): I can't tell you how many, in the two days I was with him, how many doors I went through, and--and--but behind each door was either a tractor, an augur, a mixer, a milker, a f%cken– dude they can f%cking slaughter cows there and shit–
Jon (01:21-01:36): And f%cking– yeah! Yeah, and a whole 'Anna' bakery, I mean he had like five businesses between a dairy, a bakery– it was unbelievable!
Jon (01:36-01:47): The vault is huge! And the mint, I mean he's– oh God– wait a min.
(End of Audio Transcript)
(Story Continues Below)

November 20:
Jon travels back to Evansville to move and live with Tim.
Jon Talk About the Cult - Scam Against the Government
*Recorded Legally in One-Party Consent State
Jon (0:00-0:07): Tomorrow, I got a f%cking meeting with – uh – f%ck – Peter Grandich. There’s a bunch of shit happening.
SilverWars Undercover (0:08-0:10): Oh, is he showing up?
Jon (0:11-0:14): No, No, No, No – Just online, ya know?
SilverWars Undercover (0:15-0:21): Oh--I thought he was gonna meet up with Tim and all that?
Jon (0:22-0:27): Well, we are trying to get him to cause he’s a pretty big Catholic. Ya know? So. Um--
SilverWars Undercover (0:28-0:32): What about Stefan [Money Metals]? Is he gonna come out?
Jon (0:33-0:33): Hopefully
SilverWars Undercover (0:34-0:36): Well he’s not that far
Jon (0:37-1:34): Stefan was a little – I don’t know if he was jealous or if he didn’t believe me until I told him the name of the guy who has – that he – bought the – he wanted to know the name of where he got the mint from, I was like okay, I’ll ask Tim, where did you buy the mint from? Like he didn’t believe it. And when I gave the name is Bobby Gray then Stefan goes shit, he goes yep that thing was for sale. Um– And then he, well at first he was like isn’t that cute? He said that like he didn’t believe me. The little Catholic is making a little coin of the virgin Mary, isn’t that cute? Stefan really doesn’t like anyone getting in the business. Tim’s not selling bullion so it’s a now different thing.
SilverWars Undercover (1:35-1:40): Yeah--Yeah he’s selling, well essentially fake currency--
Jon (1:41-2:17): He’s more doing what that liberty dollar guy did. Kinda of. Ya know, in a way kinda like a way to unbank and get out of the lens of the IRS in a way too. If you can, ya know, launder money through devotional metals, there is a bit a– bit of a strategy there, cause through the Church, separation of Church and State, you can, Churches get away with a lot of shit. Cause of their non-profit status.
SilverWars Undercover (2:18-2:24): Well, I guess that’s the only way the scam could work--
Jon (2:24-2:51): Yeah. But I know for a fact hes not really running a scam. You mean a scam on the government? Yes, for sure, but certainly not running a scam on the villagers of Evansville, because he’s pretty much, f%cking, he’s taking it on the chin and funding a lot of it himself. And I don’t know why anyone would do that, but he just is.
(End of Audio Transcript)
Further Investigation:
Jon mentions that Tim got his mint from: Bobby Gray
Our team identified that individual as Robert Gray of Mulligan Mint, who was a former RCO for the Liberty Dollar.

When probed about Tim running a scam, Jon answered by clarifying that it wasn't a scam against those that use the system, but admitted it was actually a scam on the government.
"You Mean a scam on the government? Yes for sure." - Jon Forrest Little

November 21:
Jon goes on webcam and talks while walking around the Indiana Cardinal building.
Jon (0:01-0:10): If you go to 'IndianaCardinal.com', this is the conference room--pretty cool
SilverWars Undercover (0:11-0:12): Woah--Crazy
Jon (0:13-0:21): He's [Tim] has talked to Albert[o], Morales is pretty cool man, he's--uh– gonna hook Tim up with some silver, uh--
SilverWars Undercover (0:22-0:22): Oh that's sic
Jon (0:23-0:35): And fly out here and check out– I just filled up my car with silver today--I'll show you the gas pumps– this dude has totally monetized it– but um–
SilverWars Undercover (0:35-0:41): Oh, that's crazy! The place looks pretty sic. The place looks pretty sic.
*silence *
Jon (0:48-1:18): Wait– hold on– how do I get this? I'm being a boomer right now. Look at this boomer shit. Can you see that dumb little warning I keep getting? This is the– uh– see if I can go into the upper room– that's the [shows Indiana Cardinal sign], and this was--uh– so– can you see Trump there?

SilverWars Undercover (1:19-1:19): Aw, shit.
Jon (1:21-2:25): Tim is on the–you know to his right and uh– then he gave him one of his purity medals, the ones that has the--uh– you saw that on that coin, right?[shows statue of Virgin Mary] So, Trump has--the secret service was like what are you handing him– and Trump goes its Okay!– and its like Trump kept looking at it and put it in his pocket and then Tim also helped– the guy, the governor of Indiana, just won--this guy name Braun, and Tim helped him and he's got the medal, like they're gonna make– so Stefan [Money Metals] and JP [Cortez] are gonna meet with the governor because of Tim's connection. So I'm going to try to get Stefan, I got to get Stefan back in if Sprott ever leaves us, but I don't think they will, but I don't know. Let me get off this stupid thing. How do I escape it? Stop.

(End of Audio Transcript)
Jon Gave Tim 70k worth of Metals:
*Legally Recorded in One-Party Consent State
Jon (00:00-00:49): I– I sent you my stack to show you that - you know what I did with that stack? No! My stack, that's nothing, actually that stack is less than seventy-thousand bucks, and you know where I put it? Its in Indiana now. Where I am right now. Because this is the guy I trust because he doesn't have this weird like with Sprott or Miles Franklin, or Stefan [Money Metals], if you read their terms and conditions on their vaults, its very scary, you don't really own the metal, they--they do, when you read– whereas with Tim, I– I trust him, because I've--I've seen his operation.

Photos By SilverWars
November 22:
Jon's Silver Academy Substack published an article where Jon Little includes the picture below, which depicts the various homeopathic remedies prepared by Tim Martin's apothecary.

Further Investigation:
The picture above oddly features Jon's passport, which earlier last month, we discovered he uses instead of owning a driver's license.
*Audio Legally Obtained in One Party Consent State
Jon (0:00-0:05): --And the Payoneer isn't working– or they want– they rejected my I.D.–
SilverWars Undercover (0:06): Again?!
Jon (0:07-0:08): Huh?
SilverWars Undercover (0:09-0:12): Again?! Was it the bank or I.D. this time? or err--
Jon (0:13-0:18): No--Its an I.D. – its ah– I don't have a driver's license– um–
SilverWars Undercover (0:19): Oh, okay--okay.
Jon (0:20-0:25): I just use a passport– I could get a driver's license– I mean I lost it.
(End of Audio Transcript)
(Story Continues Below)

November 24:
Jon discusses the leader of his 'cult', Tim Martin and people he's recruiting in the industry for Tim.
...he's going to help – yeah– then he's working the Diocese– Diocese to Diocese– all the way– his next goal is to get rid of the Pope. - Jon Forrest Little
Jon (0:00-0:29): Now– In Indiana –and– Our leader, Tim Martin– these guys are kinda– * inaudible * – he said in this cult– a cult here in Indiana– Divinity Medal Silver Cult–um– they are also sort of like health-food nuts– ya know like – we're talking has to be organic– no--you know– hormones– I mean all that stuff makes sense, right?
Jon (0:30-0:54): Um– but– he claims this alkaline water is– uh– there's the theory that is has to do your acidity– you should– I mean its kind of– he's got some good points on that– so alkaline– cause acidity is where a lot of your pH is f%cked up– that can create all this f%cking inflammation--
Jon (0:55-1:06): which is basically almost every disease is inflammation, ya know? arthritis– or cancer cells can thrive in that sort of 'magnifying glass'– sort of–
Jon (1:07-1:54): right– I got to let you go, but um– read today's sermon, it was pretty good– its pretty strong, I think– that– did you know that's becoming the most popular– um– post of the week now– and I think its because– not necessarily because of the faith based side of it— but I think its just because everyone * inaudible * - you can't– talking business on a Sunday– I think most people are pretty traditional– our readers (Silver Academy readers)– and they kind of like– I think they want a break from the b!tching about markets–and– and—and manipulation– and all the shit and this is just a different spin– and these are becoming the most popular posts– for opening– and– total reads– and they're on a Sunday, so–
SilverWars Asks: Is Stefan Gleason [Money Metals] coming to talk to Tim?
Jon (1:58-2:09): No--No– He's going to send JP [Cortez - Sound Money Defense League] which is actually better– um– cause– JP has so much power in Stefan's eyes– he's a rising star– um--
Jon (2:10-2:15): And Stefan– Stefan can be–
Jon (2:15-2:34): Oh no– Not this week, its when he's gonna– Tim's gonna drive him– JP– to meet personally with the new governor of Indiana– Not– JP is freaking out! He's freaking out– he goes I never get to meet with the governor– cause at the end– they always get it through both houses– and then the governor vetoes it–
Jon (2:35-2:55): He goes God Damn, if only I could with the governor its over! And I go, yea– they also have a conference of governors– so you get in good with that– And Tim is totally a big donor for this guy– Braun is the name– the new governor– who had– he gave him the coin– and the guy put it in his pocket– same with Trump has in his pocket– um–
Jon (2:56-3:13): He just gave twenty-thousand of them to this college down here just called Southern Indiana University its just a– I mean its big– but not as big as Indiana University in Bloomington, the Hoosiers, its like junior college, and he gave them twenty-thousand of them–
Jon (3:14-3:24): That's twenty-thousand ounces! That's almost eight-hundred grand! or– yea--whatever– and he's doing so he goes I want all those kids to have that–
Jon (3:25-3:33): so they can get like – you know – its like getting a sample– and all – that's what the pharmaceutical companies do– they work the colleges– cause those are the consumers of tomorrow–
Jon (3:34-3:45): I remember my first year of college was like everyone wanted you to have a credit card– uh– even Coors beer– cause that's when habits are being form for life! ya know?
Jon (3:46-4:13): Right! Yep– So he's the– you know– he's--the guys like will read a marketing playbook– you know like a hardcopy book? like how to and he does it– what's in there– its like reach the college kids and sh!t – he showed me the book that inspired him and he goes and that is just my first one– and then I got to work some other universities, he goes but only the ones that have an 'Aquinas', do you know what a 'numis' center is, 'Aquinas numis' center?
Jon (4:14-5:18): Most colleges have them– Thomas Aquinas as a saint– and its the Catholic– every– most major college have --the 'numin center' on campus which is basically youth group– for college kids – so he's going to work on those things– this guy is so obsessed man– all day long– its like he's hitting me with– even though we meet most of the day– then he hits me with texts on the next thing– that's next– * inaudible * – like dude– calm down – you know how me– you and clock are kind of obsessed– this guy makes us look like were f%cking— yeah that's the difference– right– he's going to help – yeah– then he's working the Diocese– Diocese to Diocese– all the way– his next goal is to get rid of the Pope.
(End of Audio Transcript)
November 25
Jon excitedly shared with us his recent order using Tim's DME system to purchase some goods at the 'Militia Commissary' using his silver he gave to Tim.
A militia is generally an army or some other fighting organization of non-professional or part-time soldiers; citizens of a country, or subjects of a state, who may perform military service during a time of need.

Jon gives us a longer webcam tour of the Indiana Cardinal building he is currently living in.
*Legally Recorded in One-Party Consent State
The Tour:
Jon (0:00-0:20): This is uh--can you see?
Jon (0:21-0:45): So this uh– this is just– three rooms setup, this is the– this is the living room, this is where I work from this table here– and there's another living room, and then– look how massive this kitchen is– its got stainless steel– then its got– one bathroom here–
Jon (0:45-0:54): Another bathroom here– oh yea– we're not at the shower yet– that's a whole different section–
Jon (0:54-1:04): Here's the– I'm doing some laundry right now– washer and dryer– the shower is back here–
Jon (1:05-1:11): Then you got--yeah--without– ya, know, I miss my cat--
Jon (1:11-1:18): And this is, let's count the rooms– they're all staged– this is one of the rooms–
Jon (1:19-1:26): Here's my room here– ya know? Dude, there's like six of them.
Jon (1:27-1:33): Um– here's another– no--I'm the only one here– He's not going to let anyone else come.
Jon (1:33-1:40): There's the room where all the controls are to see the cameras–
Jon (1:40-1:51): Uh– There's more rooms back in here– Every time you're with this guy, you're opening a door and there's this secret room that does– something–
Jon (1:51-2:03): Like this is another room– this is where I– its all– like a bedroom with this like killer– this thing is a leather recliner– and this is the Netflix section--um–
Jon (2:04-2:18): Then if I go into the kitchen– it's massive– this– wait until I show you the one tomorrow where the store is, and the restaurant– and the healing rooms– and the apothecary–
Jon (2:19-2:31): And this is– like he's got– these rooms just go on forever–and ever– and ever– its 180,000 square feet– look how big the furnace is–
Jon (2:32-2:50): look at that thing– it just goes on forever– and next door is where all the vertical farms are– like– there's a tractor over here– welding equipment– outside are the gas pumps–
Jon (2:51-3:24): I know– look at this big thing– its not like– its a huge– ya know– and there's all these– he's got all these milking stations– the butcher room is kind of near here, but its all like purified– and– the vertical farms I'll show you tomorrow– with the spinach– the lettuce– tomatoes– root vegetables– and there's these nice Church ladies working in there– he's got all these like employees–
Jon (3:25-3:33): That they are all on a Silver System– and he just – it's f%cking insane dude—
Jon (3:33-3:50): * inaudible * – yeah– and when he buys the– uh– silver from Alberto– he's going to buy it through the company– so it will be like a business expense–
Jon (3:50-4:00): versus like– you know– and no one will really see it! The company won't notice that– you know– its just industrial commodity–
Jon (4:01-4:16): It's just huge– I mean– I mean how do you have one living room here – and you just go over here– and there's another living room–
Jon (4:19-4:26): and this place is across the street from his real– the impressive one is across the street—
Jon (4:27-4:49): And if I were to go out this door here – you'll see where my car is parked – its probably too dark now, but– and all these doors are huge– like this door– like the average door may go to– see how big it is?! – like who has doors like this? yeah– that's huge!
Jon (4:50-4:55): You should see his vault! That he--he's– it's ridiculously – this door is like–
Jon (4:55-5:14): You come out here– there's my– that's my– uh– Honda– and this– and you have– yeah– and then you have a code to get in– and a gate opens and then it locks so its all secure--
Jon (5:14-5:33): Um– look at this– you know those things are like– f%cking– two thousand dollars– that little hood right there– yeah– its like industrial style– err restaurant quality– ya know?
Jon (5:34-5:49): like look– and everything is like new– its never– there's nothing in here– look– it almost looks like they're props but everything works–
Jon (5:50-6:03): but– yeah– its – so I'm very comfortable here– I do miss Soren [son] a bit and my cat– I don't really miss Marisol [wife]– but um–
Jon (6:03-6:37): Oh let me show you some of these– and there's like– there's the colloidal silver– here's the– yeah– this stuff is called 'DMSO'– I don't know what it does, but its– I'm reading this dumb book called "Healing with DMSO"– its like an anti-inflammatory– here's uh– here's uh colloidal silver in a spray– you know like–

Jon (6:38-6:): yeah-yeah– the nasal or the ears– you can put it in your ears– um– here like ivermectin rub on–
(End of Audio Transcript)
November 26:
Jon Talks About PUR private coin
*Legally Recorded in One-Party Consent State
Jon (0:00-0:06): I wrote a press release that its the first community that's putting silver in circulation
Jon (0:07-0:18): It isn't really a scam as far as – you still have to pay taxes, cause this cause owns a multi-million dollar business. He can't afford the IRS coming in here
Jon (0:19-0:31): but its but – he's got it set up to where people can do things, um, kind of like when you make an IRA contribution, prior to, they're called taxed deferred annuities
Jon (0:32-00:41): So its, it doesn't, part of it doesn't get taxed, because if its taken out before, like for the payroll
Jon (00:42-00:56): or it doesn't hit by FICA, I think is the way it works, if it goes into someone's savings. Just Google what a taxed deferred annuity is, but anyway.
Jon (0:57-01:19): * connection breaks up * … a tax deferred annuity is a … I can't believe it's not just sitting there, in... usually a Google search has - bah – okay, a retirement plan that lets you postpone paying taxes on your contributions until you withdraw the money
Jon (01:20-01:31): Somehow he's been able to bridge – that's all that Kirk and those guys are doing. You know, Kirk, Dr. Kirk [Elliot] and all those guys are doing with this
Jon (01:32-01:52): He's got attorney's that set this thing up. He didn't do it. I mean – and he's got this project called 'P U R', pur(e?)--, and its crypto, silver based crypto, but its not gonna be on a public exchange. Its only for the people in his Dominican, uh, system
Jon (01:53-02:09): So, it doesn't work unless you're like here on the campus, and he kind of keeps track of you, its like you coming in to the prayer meeting, and is like, you betcha, I'll be right there, you know? It's not like you can just kinda be a mooch, ya know
Jon (02:10-02:15): its sort of
Jon (02:16-02:25): Yep, that's a sign thing. They're gonna – DME is the Dominic Medal Exchange. And then he's starting this new thing called the 'P U R', it's – I forgot
Jon (02:26-02:39): And it's not up and running yet. He's, but, he bought all these what are called ASIC, and they look like little batteries and they're like going ching-ching-ching, he's mining right now, and he's got a shit ton of them
Jon (02:40-02:43): like maybe – a hundred of them —
SW Undercover (02:43-02:48): So ASICs are – bitcoin mining–
Jon (02:49): I don't know enough
SW Undercover (02:50-02:54): Is this also going to be silver and bitcoin, I guess together?
Jon (02:55-03:08): No, just silver. He's got them reprogrammed for silver. There was this guy that worked for the army and one of they – the way Tim described him is this guy can't get on a plane without the government knowing about it
Jon (03:09-03:33): But he's a member of this Dominican Order and he's showing Tim how to – they reprogrammed them all and now they're mining silver – crypto – and I was watching it like as a blockchain is created like about every 3 minutes, like he's showing it to me in real time on this little monitor, it's insane
Jon (03:33-03:43): Ya know, he's going to let me talk to the guy because Tim is even having trouble using all the right words like the hash and all that shit
Jon (03:44-04:13): but um – it's not public, its just private, its not like the coin– and the coins stays fixed, its at forty dollars, and it can never go down, that because he's got– his first purchase was from the guy that started Golden State Mint. Its this Russian dude
Jon (04:14-04:34): And he bought, there's like fifty thousand bucks, at twelve dollars an ounce, so now that its where it is now, ya know, like thirty today, he doesn't mind setting– he doesn't want to take the hits when it goes low, but he wants to set it a little higher, um...
Jon (04:34-04:59): Because it works out better on– everything is based on one 'EPM' or 'DME' is worth a tenth of forty, they're all worth – so everything is done in four dollar increments. So my five thousand dollars is five thousand times ten is like fifty thousand 'DME'(s)
Jon (04:59-05:24): so that's what the transactions look like, um, and then you have just a balance, once I show, I'll be able to show you my cart pretty soon, as soon as he returns my email, because I used to be able to see it like on a time– like a bank statement– and today I can't see it, I'm just probably clicking on the wrong– link.
Jon (05:24-05:59): but here's the – no, yeah— let me see– let me see cart— I just don't know why I can't see it today, so if you go to Servants And Me – oh no, no, its--here's the--here's the website, it will say that its not secure– it is, its a WordPress site, so that's the 'DME' right there.
Jon (06:00-0): Um * silence * – that's where you saw that video where he made that I showed you where he's explaining the system, um– it's all there, um, I'll get it, I think he does, I saw it, I saw all these crazy looking tables that are moving up and down as he's mining, I'll take a picture of the mining operation, its right next to those refrigerated trucks, there right there, they're on these big metal shelves. He said he picked up the ASIC(s) real cheap cause a lot of people are getting– I forgot how he said it, why they're cheap now, maybe, um...

(End of this audio transcript)
Jon confirms Tim will go after the Pope:
*Legally Recorded in One-Party Consent State
SW Undercover (0:00-0:05): This bit that is still so crazy to me is the Pope shit. That shit is insane, man...
Jon (0:06-0:35): He's gonna do it. I promise you. This is the type of guy. He's got the legal authority, I think, he thinks, what he was showing me– ya I'll show it to you– I have to get his permission, but I know once– if you meet him on a call and if he knows you're a Christian, he won't trust you if you're not Christian– I mean he's very very– I think you are, you and I have talked about it, uh–
(End of this audio transcript)
Further Insight:
We were unable to acquire additional details of the plot against The Holy See, but our team discovered a troubling document on the Servants of the Redemptor's website that links to Anti-Homosexual radicalism.
The author is Dariusz Oko, a Polish Roman Catholic priest know for his book "Lavender Mafia" about alleged gay networks within the Catholic Church, is judged by observers to be openly homophobic. Oko had described homosexual priests as "parasites", "plague" and "cancer", among other things.
On May 20, 2022, the Cologne District Court discontinued the proceedings against Oko on charges of incitement to hatred. Dariusz Oko had to pay a fine of 3,150 euros (which would correspond to 90 daily rates in the event of a conviction) so he is not considered to have a criminal record. He showed "a certain insight," according to the judge. Oko had to apologize for his statements; in the course of his questioning, the prosecutor also persuaded him to ask for forgiveness from all those who felt offended by his statements and to assert that he would never make such statements again.

November 27:
Jon Interviews Peter Grandich
Jon sends us a copy of his interview with Peter Grandich where he talks about knowing of a place where they mint ounce, half ounce, quarter ounce, tenths and using silver as money through 'our' store, through 'our' cafe' and mentions they can even fill up their [gas] tank with it. Then they discuss what the 'Miraculous Medal' is from the religious aspect.
November 30:
On his ThePickaxe SubStack, Jon Forrest Little announced partnering with new associates based in Evansville, Indiana.

December 2:
SilverWars received an early morning email today from Jon stating this is a spiritual battle and expressed hope that we choose our side wisely.
"Here are the facts. I have been blessed by the mother of god who appeared to me in El Paso years ago, since then everyone that even tries to f%ck with me goes down the drain hard, while those that stick with me stick with the hungry, the poor, the naked, the immigrant, the refugee, the prisoner, ALL WIN, this is a spiritual battle, hope you choose wisely." - Jon Forrest Little

December 7th - Dominican Meeting posted on their YouTube Channel.
At (12:40) the man in white hair says: Remember, "Where We Go One, We Go All", which is a common phrase among those who believe in QAnon.

Likely video:
This Papacy and Gay Mafia video makes mention of the same Polish Catholic Priest Oko as referenced earlier.
We have chosen: veritas (to keep our answer on theme); truth will always be our answer. We will continue to investigate this story and update this article as more information become available. Stay tuned for updates!
Because of the seriousness of this report and to maximize the safety of this sector, we ask our audience to share this article with your colleagues and fellow silver enthusiast.
Please protect yourself by avoiding Jon Forrest Little.
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